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12-06-2015, 08:50 PM #1
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Homefront Menu Settings and customization in detail
This tutorial will show you what each component on the Homefront Cheat menu does.
To bring up your cheat menu you must press the DELETE key by default.
In this section of the menu you can edit various settings depending on your personal choice. First we will start on the main Aimbot settings.
- Auto Aim - If you have this selected then the bot will automatically stick/aim on a enemy.
- Auto Fire - When you are in auto aim and you have pressed you aim key the bot will automatically shoot so you basically don't need to do anything.
- Fire Delay - The amount of time before the Aimbot actually fires when locked on.
- Smooth Aim - Selecting this will make your aim look more legit as it will move around when aiming on an enemy, not just stick on which ever bone you choose. Also the higher the setting the smoother it gets.
- Limit Angle - This will limit the angle your character will turn/spin to shoot an enemy behind or in front.
- Use Aim Key - The aim key allows you to use you own custom aim buttons for the Aimbot, Later on in the tutorial we will be able to set it up. You would need this set to properly activate the settings above.
- Ping Prediction - Automatically Predicts client Ping and corrects the Aimbot while locked on Movable Enemy Target.
- FPS Prediction - Automatically Predicts client FPS and corrects the Aimbot while locked on Movable Enemy Target.
- Prediction Scale - Increase the Aimbot prediction scale
- Visibility Check - This would ensure that you would only shoot at an enemy if they or visible to you.
- Aim Style - This is the style of aiming you can select, the most common is FOV (Field of View - This means whats in front of you and in your vision). There are many others such as distance which means you shoot further away from you before shooting enemy's in front of you.
- Aim Bone - You can set this to which ever body part on your enemy you would like to shoot. The most common is bone scan as is automatically shoots the best target (BODY PART)that is visible.
- Aim on Friendly - This will allow you to shoot/fire at your team mates and people on the same side as you.
- Aim on Enemy - Makes sure it will only aim on an enemy and no one else.
- Aim on Vehicle - Allows you to auto aim on vehicles if needed.
- Max Distance - This is the maximum distance that your Aimbot will shoot available targets.
- Hard Lock - This will allow you to lock on target even while moving your mouse. (Your Mouse movement wont affect the Locking)
- Draw Locked - The information about a player displayed in the middle of them.
Here are the Triggerbot settings.
- Triggerbot - This will shoot at the enemy when your crosshair is over them.
- Use Trigger Key - Select the trigger key for Triggerbot.
- Fire Delay - The amount of time before the aimbot actually fires when locked on.
- Trigger on Friendly - Enable your triggerbot to fire on friendly's.
- Trigger on Enemy - Enable your triggerbot to fire on enemies.
- Trigger on Vehicle - Enable your triggerbot to fire on vehicle's.
- Max Distance - This is the maximum distance that your triggerbot will fire.
3D Radar Settings
Edit the 3D Radar settings, boxes and extra esp options.
- Bounding Box - Select type of box (3D,2D).
- Box Size - Size of the box around player.
- 2D Lines - Lines that direct you towards the player.
- Player Name ESP - Show a players name on screen.
- Player Distance ESP - Show a players distance on screen.
- Player Health ESP - Show a players health on screen.
- Head Dot - Show a ESP Dot on players Head.
- Dot Size - Size of the Dot on players Head.
- Aim Laser - Show's where the player is aiming with this laser.
- Laser Size - Size of the Laser that is visible by the player
- Grenade ESP - Show a incoming grenade on screen.
- Pickup ESP - Show a available Pickups (Weapons/Healthpacks/Ammo) on screen.
- Show Friendly - Show friendly on screen.
- Show Enemy - Show enemy on screen.
- Show Vehicle - Show vehicle on screen.
- Max Distance - Max distance for radar to reach for esp.
2D Radar Settings
Change you 2D Radar settings here, Change up your menu or just customize to your liking.
- Show Radar - Display the radar on the screen.
- Show Cross - Show crosses on radar.
- Show Window - Show to radar window.
- Show Dot - Show dots on radar.
- Show Friendly - Show friendly's on radar.
- Show Enemy - Show enemies on radar.
- Show Vehicle - Show vehicles on radar.
- Stick To Window - Sticks radar to window.
- Radar Scale - This is like a zoom - the more you increase the number the further out the radar goes and the more players will be shown on it. The less you make it the smaller the zone so less players will be shown (players close by).
- Window Size - Change the size of the 2D radar window.
- Cross Size - Change the size of the 2D radar crosshair.
- Dot Size - Change the size of the 2D radar dot.
- Movable 2D Radar - This radar is connected to the colors in your menu and it will show you where your enemies and friends are. Your can freely drag the radar where ever you want on your screen.
Warning System
Here are the warning settings.
- Warning System - Enable the warning system.
- Is Aiming At You Angle - The angle set at which aiming at you text is displayed.
- Can See You Angle - The angle set at which can see you text is displayed.
- Max Distance - This is the maximum distance that the warnings will be displayed.
- Beep System - Creates low volume beeps when the enemy is getting closer.
- Max Distance - This is the maximum distance that the beeps works.
Misc Settings (Miscellaneous)
Here are the misc settings, extra options to help your Aimbot out.
- Crosshair - Displays the crosshair in the middle of your game.
- Crosshair Size - Shows your screen resolution in the top right hand corner.
- Draw FPS - Shows your frames per second (FPS) in the top right hand corner.
- Draw Resolution - Shows your screen resolution in the top right hand corner.
- Draw Time - Shows your the time in the top right hand corner.
- Draw Watermark - Show watermark.
- Draw Health Bar - Will draw a Health Bar on the bottom of the screen.
- Use Panic Key - This will enable you to use the panic key you have set.
- No Recoil - Reduces gun recoil to increase accuracy.
- No Sway - Removes weapon sway
- No Spread - Removes weapon bullet spread.
Color Settings
You can change any of these settings my clicking on the arrows either side to mix the Colors which will create a Color for you to use.
- Enemy Invisible - Changes the Color of invisible enemies in game.
- Enemy Visible - Changes the Color of visible enemies in game.
- Enemy Vehicle - Changes the Color of enemies in a vehicle.
- Friendly Invisible - Changes the Color of invisible friendly's in game.
- Friendly Visible - Changes the Color of visible friendly's in game.
- Friendly Vehicle - Changes the Color of friendly's in a vehicle.
- Grenade - Changed the Color of grenades in game.
- Pickup - Changes the Color of pickups in a map.
- Crosshair - Changes the Color of crosshair on screen.
- Menu - Changes the menu Color (the one your currently on now), Change how transparent the menu is via increasing or decreasing the Alpha Color fill.
- Is Aiming At You - Changes the Color of the is aiming at you warning in game.
- Can See You - Changes the Color of the can see you warning in game.
- Is Visible - Changes the Color of the visible warning in game.
Filters (Friendlist & Enemylist)
You can make enemies as your friends and friends as your enemies.
- Friendly Filters - Type your friend name in the Friendly tab so your Aimbot/ESP wont Aim on them.
- Enemy Filters - Type your enemy name in the Enemy tab so your Aimbot/ESP will Aim on them.
Settings (Keys and Load/Save Settings)
To set an aim key you just need to press on the current one, then press the key you would like to set on your keyboard. The old one will be overwritten with the new one (key id for right mouse = 2).
Same thing apply's when changing the menu key (this is the key you open the menu with - default = Delete)
- Panic Key - The key shuts down the hack immediately.
- Menu Key - The key that opens the menu to edit settings.
- Aim Key - The key that you use to auto aim in game.
- Trigger Key - The key that you use to auto fire in game.
- Save - Save your custom settings for when you next open.
- Load - Loads any settings you have made.
Best Regards,
Mombot Staff Team